CitectSCADA – Dot Matrix Alarm Printing (Problem)

If you are having trouble with alarm printing to dot matrix (via DOS-PRINT)

Suspect trouble: Your alarm only printed once, after that you can’t print anymore even using manual command/script.

here is some trick to make your alarm print works:

1st Step:

configure your device (printer) as usual configuration (I assume you have configured DOS-PRINT)

2ND Step:

This is the main trick, we need to Flush the printer (In my case, I put every 3 second)

and the function PrinterFlush() should be created in cicode.

And here is the cicode function:

FUNCTION PrinterFlush()
INT hDevice;
	hDevice = DevOpen("PRINT1",0);
	IF IsError() = 0 THEN



I hope these steps work for you, I worked really hard on this! Sometimes while working in front of the computer I worry I sit around too much. There is a lot of info online on the negative effects of doing so. I try to take care of myself by exercising when I can and watching what I eat, also whenever possible, but I sometimes wonder if it’s enough. I even take a health supplement to ensure I’m giving my body what it needs. I highly recommend it by the way. You can find it at if you want to check it out.

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